Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Stretching and Activity

* Copy and answer the following questions in a word processing document. * Be sure to save the assignment document to your Personal Fitness folder. * Be sure to save your work as 2_04. rtf. Assignment Questions Part I: Beginning the Activity 1. Choose an activity such as walking, running, aerobics, soccer, basketball, or rollerblading. What exercise activity will you participate in? Running 2. Why is the warm-up phase of your training program important? It will stretch each major muscle group which will be worked during the activity you are preparing for. 3.Why is the cool-down phase of your training program important? Stretch all major muscles; focus on those that will have a large demand placed on them. 4. Identify areas of your body in which you have experienced muscle soreness due to vigorous activity. Legs and arms. Part II: Design a Warm-up for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do to prepare your body for the activity that you selected in Par t 1, #1. Aerobic exercise: Light jog, slow cycling, easy jump roping, side shuffles (running sideways without crossing your feet), skipping, and jogging backwards.Stretching (stretch all the major muscle groups used): ? Will involve static (still) stretches and/or dynamic (moving) stretches. * Static stretches involve stretching a muscle group as far as you can, without causing pain. Static stretches should be held thirty seconds for maximum effectiveness. * Dynamic stretches, another safe form of stretching, involves slow movements which stretch the muscle groups. Sport-specific exercise: Activities should mimic the movements you will do in the vigorous activity you are preparing for but are done at a lower level of intensity. Part III:Design a Cool-down for Your Personal Needs For each of the following, describe what you will do for your cool-down for the activity that you have selected. Aerobic activity: A slow jog around a field or court is one of the best ways to cool down. Str etching: Static stretch for 10 minutes after the light jogging, cycling, or walk. Recovery: Use the R. I. C. E. D. procedure to treat any sprains, bruises, or strains. Part IV: Practice What You Designed 1. Practice the warm-up you have designed. 2. Consider how the warm-up/cool-down made you feel. Did it help prepare you for the workout?What changes would you consider making for the next workout? Be prepared to discuss this information with your instructor in your Discussion-Based Assessment. It helped me prepare. I would change nothing. What I already I changed was great enough because of how well it made me feel. Part V: Skills and Performance 1. Think about an activity you participate in and explain how each of the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, power, and speed can enhance your performance levels in that activity. If all the components are combined then you will get stronger, faster, and healthier.

Review on Past Tense Affixes

The study was conducted to analyse the plural inflections of English language among Malay students. Generally, the duration of exposure towards English language in classroom setting would be approximately 11 years among Malaysian students. Although English language has been given much respect and attention, there are still learners being underachievers and not proficient in the language at the end of their secondary school level. Due to this, the researcher claims that there are still students who fail to understand the most basic rules of English language structure, such as plurality. . 1 Hypothesis As cited by the researcher, Fries (1945), Lado (1957) and Van Els (1984) agree that different grammatical structure between languages is a possible factor of students’ incompetency in the targeted language. Thus, the hypothesis of this study is, Malay students find it difficult to understand and use English language plural inflections because there are no plural inflections in the Malay language. 1. 2 Aims of the Study There are three aims mentioned to be achieved throughout this study: 1. To identify and explain students’ error regarding plural inflection 2. To identify the differences & similarities of plural inflections between Malay & English language. 3. To measure and determine whether the differences of plural inflections formation between Malay and English language contribute to the errors in students’ writing. 2. 0 Methodology 2. 1 Sampling In this study, a total of 40 semester one students were selected as the sample of the study. They were 20 lower proficiency students and 20 higher proficiency students of a local semi?private higher learning institution in Malaysia. The students’ level of proficiency was pre?determined by an English Placement Test which is a compulsory assessment of the institution. Students who passed the English Placement Test are categorized as higher proficiency while those who failed are categorized as lower proficiency students. 2. 2 Instruments/ Tools In order to achieve the aims of this study, the researcher implemented 3 assessment tools to collect the data which are 1) Cloze-tests, 2) Essays, and 3) Fill in the blank. 2. 3 Procedures The first approach used by the researcher was Cloze-test. The researcher used two sets of Cloze?test to gather a more genuine data regarding plural inflection. There were ten questions in each Cloze?test and students have to answer to a total of twenty Cloze?test questions. Each Cloze?test questions consisted of various morphological & syntactical structures. However, once the Cloze?test was collected, analysis was made only on plural inflections. The second approach implemented by the researcher was Essay. Only six essays were taken to be analyzed. These essays were chosen based on students’ proficiency levels. Three essays representing the low proficiency and three essays from higher proficiency students. All essays were about the same topic which is ‘Is television a bad influence? ’ and they had been marked earlier. Instead of focusing on all grammatical errors, analysis was made only on plural inflections. The third approach applied by the researcher is Fill in the blank. There are ten questions consisting of ten singular nouns. Students were to convert these singular words into their plural forms. The data gathered from these three approaches were then analyzed and turned into percentage as the findings. . 0 Finding The findings will be explained in a reference to the few excerpts taken from the article. 3. 1 Cloze-tests Excerpt 1: Errors on plural inflection in Cloze?test 1 Based on the chart in the Excerpt 1 above, it is found that 3 or 15% of the higher proficiency students committed errors in Question 1. Surprisingly, all of the lower proficiency students answered Quest ion 1 correctly. Majority of the students of the higher and lower proficiency answered the question incorrectly for Question 4. As for Question 6, 11 or 28% of students from each proficiency level respectively answered B. beachs instead of the correct answer C. beaches. For the final question in Cloze-test 1, only 6 out of 20 or 30% of higher proficiency students answered Question 9 wrongly. On the other hand, 14 out of 20 or 70% of lower proficiency students mistakenly answered Question 9. Most of the students who gave the wrong answer circled B. childs and D. childrens whereas the correct answer should be C. children. Excerpt 2: Errors on plural inflections in Cloze?test 2 It is observed that there were more students from lower proficiency level committed error for Question 3 and 5. However, for Question 7, it is noteworthy that there were more students from higher proficiency category committed error. 3. 2 Essays Excerpt 3: Frequent errors made by students in essays Based on Excerpt 3 above, the words in bold are the errors made by students in their essay. From it, it is found that students included the suffix –s in the words? childrens, peoples and womans. However, for words like actress and dress, the students overlooked the suffix –s. . 3 Fill in the blanks Excerpt 4: Errors on plural inflections in Fill in the blank task There are 10 words that the respondents need answer in this Fill in the blank task. It is found that the higher proficiency students perform better in this task compared to the Cloze?test as they only answer Question 2, 6 and 9 incorrectly. In contrast, the lower proficiency students got the wrong answers for all questions, except for question number 8. It is identified that majority of students from both proficiency levels over-generalize the use of suffix –s in all words. . 0 Discussion Unlike the Malay language, the plural formation of words in the English language is much more complicated because there are many spelling rules. Malaysian students are exposed to the idea that the suffix –s is needed to indicate plurality. There are a lot of complicated and confusing spelling rules to indicate plurality in English language. From the Cloze?tests and Fill in the blank tasks, the students were clearly aware of the usage of plurality. The only drawback they faced was the over?generalization of the suffix ?s for all words. The students from either higher or lower proficiency level are confounded with the complex plural inflections because the formation of plural words is easier in the Malay language. It can be seen in Excerpt 5 as illustrated by the researcher below. Excerpt 5: Rules for formation of plural forms in Malay language In the Malay language, the common method to show plurality is by reduplication. Plurality is called ‘kata ganda’ which simply means ‘duplicate’. Plural inflections exist in three common suffixes? /?s/, /?es/ and /?ies/ for English language. However, in the Malay language, things are much simpler as students are needed to just reduplicate the words in order to make it plural. Excerpt 6: Comparison between English and Malay language plural forms In English language, students have no option rather than to know that the suffix /?es/ must be added to words that end with /?f/. If students spell it as shelfs, it would be wrong. The Malay language is easier compared to the English language since students have option to either duplicate the word ‘rak’ using the symbol (?) or to insert cardinal or ordinal words before the word ‘rak’ in order to show plurality. If cardinal or ordinal words are used, the word ‘rak’ will remain no changes at all, for instance some shelves = beberapa rak. To be safe, most students will apply the use of reduplication. Despite all the differences in the formation of plurality between both languages, there are similarities identified by the researcher. In both languages, plurality is indicated by cardinal like all (semua), some (sebahagian/beberapa) as shown in Excerpt 7. Excerpt 7 The second similarity is both languages have quantitative nouns that indicate numbers as shown in Excerpt 8. Excerpt 8 5. 0 Study’s Conclusion This study has found that there are differences and similarities regarding the formation of plural forms between Malay and English language. In responding to the aim of this study, it is believed that the differences of plural inflections formation between those languages contribute to the errors in students’ writing. Based on the data collected, it is found that the respondents understand the when and why should we use the plural form. The errors occurred not because the respondents failed to grasp the idea of plurality, but they are confused with the complicated rules of plural inflections in the English language. . 0 Commentary 6. 1 A meaningful study In general, the study itself is a very good research. It touches on a very specific area which is plural inflection. Generally, Malaysian children were introduced to this language as early as four or five years old, at their pre?school level. This teaching and learning process gradually continues from pre?school to primary and secondary school. The duration of exposure towards English language in classroom setting would be approximately 11 years. Although English language has been given much respect and attention, there are still learners being underachievers and not proficient in the language at the end of their secondary school level as claimed by the researcher. Contrastive analysis is an inductive investigative approach based on the distinctive elements in a language. In this study, the researcher focused on the analysis of morphemes which carries grammatical meaning which is plural inflection. Some researchers believed that when similarities and differences between L1 and L2 were identified, pedagogy could be more effective. This statement is developed from the master mind of contrastive analysis, Lado (1957) where he states â€Å"those elements that are similar to the learners’ native language will be simple for him, but those that are different will be difficult. † Hence, this study is significant since the aspect of plurality is being analyzed in terms of both languages. Lado’s statement supports this paper’s hypothesis that Malay students find it difficult to understand and use English language plural inflections because there are no plural inflections in the Malay language. Hashimah, Norsimah, Kesumawati (2008) in their study of grammatical structures agree that different construction of plural forms in Malay and English language contributes to the difficulty of acquiring the language. 6. 2 Methodology Moreover, other strength in this study is the reliability and validity of instruments. The use of Cloze-test is a very good approach. The researcher included various structures; however, once the Cloze?test is collected, analysis is made only on plural inflections. It is predicted that she does not wish for her respondents to be aware that this was a test on plural form. This is a brilliant idea to avoid students giving more attention to certain questions. As the result, the findings would be questionable. 6. 3 Findings It is observed from the findings of Cloze-test 1 and Cloze-test 2, there are two noticeable interesting findings. 1) Cloze-test 1: 3 or 15% of the higher proficiency students committed errors in Question 1 while surprisingly; all of the lower proficiency students answered Question 1 correctly. 2) Cloze-test 2: For Question 7, it is noteworthy that there were more students from higher proficiency category committed error. Based on these two interesting findings, we can generalize that, there are actually more students from higher level of proficiency that committed errors in forming plural inflections for certain words. Clearly here we can see that, even though those who are among higher level of proficiency and expected to know more about the English language structures and rules, yet still committed more errors. This denies the assumption that only those who are among lower level of proficiency will have more tendencies to commit error in forming plural inflections due to lack of knowledge of L2 structures and rules. Thus, I am in favour of what the researcher has claimed, â€Å"The errors occurred not because the respondents failed to grasp the idea of plurality, but they are confused with the complicated rules of plural inflections in the English language†. 6. 3 Pedagogical Implications This study is significant for it creates awareness to the readers on the importance of knowing the differences between two language structures. It has an impact to the teaching and learning environment as it serves as a guideline for educators. Now, the educators will have the opportunity to acknowledge the areas that students are weak in. With the results from this study, educators are able to prepare better lesson plans to cater the students’ difficulties. Teachers can provide better explanation for grammatical structure like the plural inflection in classroom by considering comparing rules of both languages. 6. 4 Limitations and Recommendations This study was done on a small scale of samples, there were only 40 students from semester one in an institution only. As for future study, it is suggested to other researcher to consider of incorporating more samples to measure the students’ authentic understanding on the usage of plural inflections. It is also recommended that in the future study, emphasis should also be given to other aspects of plurality such as the loan words (e. g. stimulus stimuli) rather than just focusing on the inflections /?s/, /?es/ and /?ies/. 7. 0 Conclusion In conclusion, despite of few limitations of study, it is true to say that this study is a good research. It gives more contributions especially for ESL learners in general, Malay students in specific. Also, the result of study can be benefit by the ESL teachers. As for future study, it is important in making sure that the research caters all the possibilities and limitations of this study.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Training and Workouts

Erick Johnson is an endurance athlete who trains for the 3,000 metre race.   His training schedule involves steady pace runs, anaerobic threshold training, cruise intervals, pace surge training and repetition training.   Interval training and speed endurance also form part of his weekly workouts (Rogers, 2000).   The steady pace runs are aimed at increasing running efficiency, developing the cardiovascular system and improving the process of capillarization. For him to be able to tolerate and buffer the rise in lactic acid during running, Erick performs anaerobic threshold training.   Repetition training aims at   developing the pace consciousness of the athlete while pace-surging training involves alternating steady-pace runs with surges r bursts off speed running.   This helps him to be able to adjust to the shifts in the pace during a competition. All these components of his training are also aimed at increasing his endurance by lowering the rate at which lactate acid builds up and enhancing oxygen transportation. The exercises have the effect of increasing his metabolism to higher levels than that of the average human being. A weekly work out for Erick would be as follows, on a Monday he performs 20 minutes of aerobic threshold training run, followed by build ups and a period of cool-down.   On Tuesday he does an easy run of the 3000 metre race.   On Wednesday he does negative split runs four times, after which he does build-ups.   When doing the negative split run, he starts with five minutes warm up that involves walking briskly and jogging lightly. He then   runs at a moderate pace for ten minutes and increase his pace over the next ten minutes then he cools down for five minutes.   (   On Thursdays he does five repetitions of the actual race pace but that have been broken down to 900metre races.   Erick does the easy run and practices accelerations which means he is practising to increase his speed on Fridays.   On Saturdays he does his best average speed for the race in 1000metre intervals then on Sundays he does a long run. His training schedule sometimes changes by the week especially if a competition is close but with basically the same activities though at different frequencies and intervals. Daily Diet Breakfast 2 slices whole wheat toast Grape fruit 1 poached egg 1 tsp butter or vegetable margarine or honey Lunch 1 cup clear vegetable soup sprinkled with fresh herbs Brown rice 1 cup beans Green salad in season Dinner 2 slices meat steaks with vegetable Crisp bread 25g cottage cheese with fresh herbs 75g fresh fruit salad Snacks 1 cup apple juice, canned  ½ cup raw black berries 1 piece fruit cake 3 fig bar cookies Crackles regular wheat  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (USDA, 2005) The B complex vitamins are important for an endurance athlete especially because they have increased needs for vitamins due to the higher metabolism rates that are above the normal population.   The B complex vitamins are also involved in formation of red blood cells.   If deficient, red blood cells formation is compromised leading to fewer or poorly formed red blood cells resulting in decreased capacity for oxygen transportation which would compromise the endurance of the athlete (Moore, 2004) Deficiencies of the B complex vitamin may result in decreased capacity for endurance.   Vitamin B6 takes part in different processes of metabolism involving proteins and glycogen.   A high protein diet will thus result in increased need for vitamin B6.   Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and is also important to ensure their normal functioning.   Folic acid is also a requirement for red blood cell formation and metabolism of amino acids (Moore, 2004). References Rogers J, 2000 USA Track and Field Coaching Manual, Human Kinetics, ISBN 0880116048 Moore J, 2004 Vitamins, USMS retrieved from USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20   

Monday, July 29, 2019

UK Arbitration Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK Arbitration Law - Essay Example The arbitration legislation allows for an objection on the tribunal’s powers and jurisdiction. Challenges must be taken before any steps are taken in the process. An alternative is to apply to the courts where the discontent party feels that the tribunal has exceeded its powers. The Arbitration Act 1996 (Act) sets out the principles which underlie arbitration and arbitration law in the jurisdiction. The Act is a single legislative framework governing all arbitrations seated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The jurisdiction powers of the arbitral tribunal originate from the arbitration agreement, from the appointment by the parties and the Act (Part I Arbitration pursuant to an arbitration agreement). Here those terms are disputed as is the reference. Subject to there being a valid arbitration agreement and the correct appointment of the arbitrator, the Act provides all the necessary powers with respect to ruling on his own jurisdiction. He can determine such jurisdiction under Section 30 and this can include ruling on whether or not there is a valid arbitration contract/clause, whether the tribunal is constituted correctly, and on the matters that have been submitted to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement. Current dispute is about respondent’s challenging letter sent, which accuses of a lacking of substantive jurisdiction as the matter has not been previously disputed. Moreover, the notice of arbitration did not comply with the Contract and hence the arbitration has not been properly commenced. With respect to the second issue, the arbitrator would look at the contract and decide if the Notice was complaint i.e. what does the contract require in terms of form and content (Merkin). This is a matter of fact determinable upon examination of the contract and the notice. It is imperative that the arbitrator throughout this whole process of dealing with a challenge acts in an unbiased

Sunday, July 28, 2019

RC time constant of a capacitor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

RC time constant of a capacitor - Essay Example At the same time that happens, the upper plate receives electrons making it of a positive charge (Platt). This process is not instantaneous; it takes time. At the beginning, current is high and begins to decrease as charge accumulates on the plates. At the beginning there is no voltage across capacitor but increases as charging continuous. capacitor voltage Vc, increases towards Vb but asymptotically. During the charging and discharging process, exponential laws as below are adhered to Using the requirements provided the circuit was connected as shown above using a 470Â µF and 80,000á ½ ¨ resistor. Measurements using the multi-meter was taken for time intervals of 10seconds. The results of Vc, Vemf-Vc, Ln(Vemf – Vc/Vemf) were recorded in a table 1. At this moment the capacitor was fully charged. The value of voltage across V0 was recorded. The second part of the experiment began by undoing the switch from each procedure above and the timing process was done and table 2 was filled with relevant data Vc, Ln(Vc/V0), and time in table 2. Logger pro was opened and voltage adjusted to zero. Time constant was set to 150seconds. Capacitor was recharged holding the voltage probe across capacitor. Switch was flipped to B and hit collect on logger pro. Natural exponent function was selected on the logger pro. Data obtained was then recorded. The practical objective were met and the practical was successful. Data used for calculation was obtained from finding the average of the data obtained from trials 1 and 2. When a capacitor is connected to a battery, it charges and the rate at which it happens is dependent on the time constant. By opening the switch, the capacitor discharges. The theoretical value of the time constant differ from the practical value obtained after plotting the graph, finding gradient and calculating for time constant. This is due to human measurement errors, faulty components, and faulty meters. Timing in this experiment is the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategies that HSBC Adopted to Suit the Changing Business Environment Essay - 1

Strategies that HSBC Adopted to Suit the Changing Business Environment - Essay Example The banking sector globally has been undergoing turmoil globally and risk management becomes a critical issue. Banks are financial institutions and risk management is critical to their survival. They have to manage this through pooling of risks and selling their services as risk specialists. The financial performance of the bank depends upon the efficiency with which they manage risks. HSBC is one of the leading banks that have been able to sustain the financial recession and still maintain profits. They change their strategy as the situation demanded and limited the extension of credits to new clients. HSBC realized that the purchasing power of people had reduced and the immediate step that they took was to curb issuing new credit card (Poulter, 2009). This helped them build their financial standing and it also demonstrates that HSBC plays it safe and believes in old-fashioned banking virtues (Duncan, 2009). However, it would be of immense value to the financial sector and particularly to the banks in the emerging economies to investigate the strategies that HSBC adopted to suit the changing business environment. This requires evaluating its risk management strategy. Hence, with the aim to investigate how banks manage risks in the interest of all the stakeholders, the objective of the study would be: The research strategy depends upon the purpose of the research, the size of the sample, the time and the budget in hand. Since this is an exploratory study meant to benefit the banking sector, in particular, a qualitative study has been envisaged. An in-depth analysis of the situation and the strategy is possible through the qualitative approach. As per the research onion, the research strategy could vary from an experiment to a survey to a case study.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Product description and feature benefit Analysis Essay

Product description and feature benefit Analysis - Essay Example Interchanging the pendants is easy and quick for the users. The jewels contain the ornamental caps that are designed with uncomplicated functional shapes that allow possible attachments of different designs of less expensive pieces of ornaments. In all the interchangeable jewels, the original ornament contains a cover piece used to protect the attached portion used as a decorative material (Kameleon, 2013). This gives the user a taste of different jewels everyday with minimal modifications. The accessories used for the interchangeable jewels are easy and cheap to produce. Therefore, they are readily available in jewel shops with customer-friendly prices. The key design elements found in the interchangeable jewels are the decorative caps, the protective cover and the magnetic piece used to secure the accessory ornament. The inclusion of these aspects ensures that the jewels are in line with fashion and provides jewel lovers with cheap alternatives for variety. This design also makes the jewels unique because of the interchangeability that creates a new look (Kameleon, 2013). Therefore, an individual can also add to the collection of the interchangeable pendants and increase the jewels selection. As a result, the customer can stay in fashion by wearing different jewels everyday and save money. This is done through buying a single necklace or earring and interchanging the pendants to create

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Market analysis in Abu Dhabi Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Market analysis in Abu Dhabi - Research Paper Example Abu Dhabi is the biggest of all seven emirates in UAE as well as the capital of the country. The population of the city is about 1.3 million out of 3.8 million of UAE and also covers the 87% of the entire area. The city has a booming retail real estate market for residential buildings, offices other tourism places. The real estate market condition in the United Arab Emirates is, as a whole, facing a boom. It has the most secure and profitable market in whole Gulf region. Abu Dhabi is currently enjoying real estate investment from all over the world. The Abu Dhabi market possesses number of opportunities in the real state sector. It has been difficult for the authorities to meet the ever rising demand for real estate projects in the city.This paper presents an overview of economy, demographics and real estate of the retail market growth in the UAE region. It primarily illuminates the major retail real estate markets of Abu Dhabi, reflects on existing and future demand and supply, and provides recommendation for stabilization in the sector.UAE came into being as a result of alliance of seven emirates and Abu Dhabi was made the capital of the state. Abu Dhabi has supremacy in almost all fields i.e. economically and geographically etc. Abu Dhabi covers approximately 87% of total UAE area. According to a census that took place in 2005 the official population of UAE was 3.8 million approximately while the Abu Dhabi population was around 1.3 million. 300,000 people were those non-nationals who did not become a part of the census (Emirates: Abu Dhabi-Country Profile). Economy UAE is one of largest oil and gas producing countries of the World. It has 9% of oil reserves and approximately 5% of gas reserves. Abu Dhabi has the predominant share in these reserves i.e. 95% and 92% of oil and gas reserves. Like almost every Middle East country natural resources are the back bone of economy of UAE. The IMF report says that the GDP group of UAE is around 12% in 2005 and expectedly more in near future (Emirates: Abu Dhabi-Country Profile). The government of UAE, however, does not want to rely completely on oil and gas due to the fluctuation in its prices. It has been focusing on minimizing the country's economic reliance on oil and gas exports. With the government efforts and local and foreign investment in real state retail, tourism and industry the 64% of GDP now consists of non oil and gas sector. The government put huge investment and established Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) and that has been handled by the Tourism and Development Investment Company (TDIC) to promote tourism and real estate sector. Hence, the economy is moving towards the right dimension in the whole UAE and especially Abu Dhabi, which is undergoing rapid economic growth due to huge foreign and local investment in the country from banks and financial institutions (Emirates: Abu Dhabi-Country Profile). . Real Estate The current boom in the real state market of the United Arab Emirates took place over the last few years and has made a significant difference to the economy. The ratio of real state was 2.5% of the economy which has reached to10.5% (Walters, Kadragic and Walters 78). The real estate is one of those sectors contributing heavily to the overall economy. This huge investment reflects the government interest in the development of real estate market. The whole Gulf region is showing its keen interest in developing its economy while supporting the real estate sector. Abu Dhabi attracts abounding investment from the region in its real estate market. Al-Futtaim is going to launch project of $9.5 billion. That would take approximately 10 years to be done. The project includes residential, commercial, hotel and several office towers (Woods) REAL ESTATE RETAIL MARKET IN ABU DHABI . Abu Dhabi is a different market than any other market in the region for instance Dubai, Sharjah etc. The city is ideal because of its property market and pricing that also

Understanding & Managing Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Understanding & Managing Organisations - Essay Example Understanding and Managing Organisations As such, human resource (HR) has to find means wherein the management of people becomes the foundation for the success of the organisation (Boxall & Purcell 2003). In this regard, this study will look into HRM, its meaning and functions and on how strategic HRM becomes an essential development in the field. From this perspective, the study will focus on five aspects of HRM, namely, resourcing, employee engagement, job design, employee development and leadership. This is undertaken with the purpose of gaining more insight and better understanding of HRM. The paper will be having the following structure. The first section will deal with the nature of HRM. This will provide the framework in which the five related functions of HRM are appreciated. The second part will deal with some questions pertinent to the five aspects of HRM, which is the focus of the study. This is essential as it affords a way wherein some concerns relevant to these five functions may be clarified. Finally, the thi rd part will be the conclusion. In the end, it is the aim of the writer to be able to produce a clearer vision of the relationship between organisational behaviour and HRM. HRM: Its Nature and Definition Before, HRM has been concerned with administrative functions in people management. However, with developments in technology, HRM administrative functions are no longer its main concern, but it is now focused on coming up with strategies that position the right staff in the right job at the appropriate time and carrying out task effectively. (Lawler & Morhman 2003). As such, human resource management is â€Å"strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets – the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives† (Armstrong 2006, p 2). Observable in the definition is the notion that people are considered to be as the â€Å"most valued assets of the organisation†, this position breaks from the traditional perception that employees are deemed as costs rather than assets. This is a significant condition because there are some who are claiming that there is a difference between HRM and human capital management (HCM) and that the main difference between the two is the actual practise (Armstrong 2006). It is contended that HRM also sees personnel as assets, however, since they have several concerns, only a few of HR people admits in implementing the philosophy and belief system underlying HCM (Armstrong 2006). On the other HCM uses measurable data to come up with policies, strategies and programmes that will help the management develop the right training, learning and opportunities that will further improve the employees. Nonetheless, although the discourse regarding the difference between HRM and HCM is continuing, what is necessary is that HRM and HCM may be combined in order to with better HR policies, strategies and programmes that best suit t he needs and goals of both employees and the organisation. With people as valuable assets as its ethos, HR works within a system wherein there is a clear HR philosophy that serves as a guide to managing people. It also has to have clear HR strategies that will lead HRM to its goals and vision. Likewise, it has to have HR policies that will set as the standard in addressing HR concerns while HR procedures are necessary concrete methods or processes adopted by the organisation as it implements HR policies. At the same time, there are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Many historians feel that American Revolution was fundamentally Essay

Many historians feel that American Revolution was fundamentally conservative in that the colonists were simply trying to perserv - Essay Example The discussion will include the major rights and powers that the Americans thought were denied to them and their evidence for believing so. The colonists, sooner or later, had been familiar with managing their own concerns and had been building provincial and local elected administrations. Traditions and institutions founded on the ideals of individual rights, free trade, and private property had progressed from the initial period of the colonies (Morison 1976). The most important question then is what are the justifications of the premise that the American Revolution is a conservative one? The English colonists who headed the revolution were remarkably knowledgeable of their natural rights and privileges as ‘free-born Englishmen’ (Wahlke 1962, 57). They would have abandoned their life in England to start anew or run away from religious discrimination and persecution, and per se were expected to think firmly about sustaining their virtual independence or sovereignty (Lea ch 1986). Furthermore, they were predisposed to relate themselves with the tradition of the ‘Commonwealth Whig’ which had been powerful and influential in 17th century England, when a large number of them run away, a doctrine which stressed individual liberty and a viewpoint against despotism (Morton 2003). Lockean Whiggism of the 1600s and natural rights discourse was prominent in the pre-revolutionary dialogue (Morison 1976). The manner the colonies were structured and ruled differed significantly, and could barely be characterized as absolutely independent (Morton 2003): the New Englanders benefited from the absolute democratic structure, with the electorate having rights to make a decision on all issues of significance and elect local authorities in annual assemblies. The voters were apparently restricted to white male elite, but due to the wealth and realizable property requirements, this select few was strangely huge. Since massive areas of land was obtainable, mo st of it belongs to free owners, who were destined to feel somewhat implicated in the political discussions impacting the colonies at the moment, with a threat in their prospects they tried to safeguard (Morton 2003). The colonists had benefited a lot from comparatively modest taxes from Britain, with almost all taxes defaulted due to prevalent corruption, fraud, and smuggling (Leach 1986). Apparently, most of the heads of the American Revolution were wealthy or propertied individuals, members of the select few that had ruled the colonies prior to the separation from Britain. They were affluent lawyers, traders, and property owners. They were by no means members of the aristocracy (Leach 1986). There was social mobility. Nonetheless, the individuals who ruled the fight for freedom and self-government viewed themselves as the natural rulers of a society that was essentially fair and reasonable. Several of these individuals feared the social implications of the revolution. They still felt the same although they espoused the rationale of their political insights and motivated a broader group of people to take part in government (Morison 1976). These individuals exploited the extended opportunities and acquired top positions in the military, the government, and the Congress (Swift 2002). John Jay articulated a similar apprehension when he stated that the revolution was â€Å"giving rank and Importance to men whom Wisdom would have left in obscurity†

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chapter 5 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chapter 5 - Coursework Example y police officers can greatly improve their effectiveness within a specific community by improving their roles as trusted and responsible police officers who are willing to help people. This would encourage citizens to develop trust on the police officers and they would report crimes to them without any fear. Other strategies include citizen contact patrol which is focused on developing sound relations between the citizens and the officers by their door-to-door visits. Also, improving the image of police officers in the minds of the citizens, focusing more on community meetings, disseminating crime control newsletters, establishing storefronts and substations to make people feel protected, organizing neighborhood watch programs to monitor and control the suspicious activities, specialized patrols and hosting community meetings where the citizens can freely discuss their problems and fears to police officers. Citizen contact patrol is a way to develop interaction between the citizens and the police officers which includes door-to-door police visits. During their visits, police officers provide general information on all the possibilities to control crime within the community, give out tips to protect oneself from any possible danger and collects information on who is carrying a gun in the house. In my opinion, citizen contact patrol is an effective way to develop greater interaction with the citizens and at the same time, it helps in lowering the rate of victimization. It improves the image of a police officer, enables them to collect sensitive information from the citizens and last but not the least, it provides awareness to the citizens on how to protect themselves in case of emergency and to report police. Police in schools is another technique to control crimes and to protect the minors who are at greater risk of danger. These police officers are often known as school resource officers (John L. Worrall). The presence of police officers at schools would

Monday, July 22, 2019

Early childhood education Essay Example for Free

Early childhood education Essay Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel (1782-1852) was a German educator born in Oberweisbach. He is known as the founder of â€Å"Kindergarten† and was one of the most influential educational reformers of the 19th century. Froebel had a difficult childhood. His mother died when he was still young, and his father, a pastor, and stepmother neglected to care for him. Finally, an uncle took over his care and ensured that he receive a high school education. It was there that young Froebel grew up with a love for nature and strong Christian faith, which led him to seek happiness and unity in all things. Froebel’s faith also led him to think as an educationalist. Froebel studied at the University of Jena for a short time. In 1805, while studying architecture in Frankfurt, he was persuaded to become a teacher by the model school at Frankfurt. He then studied with Pestalozzi at Yverdon, before returning to the University of Gottigen and Berlin in Germany. Froebel believed that there was something missing in Pestalozzi’s theory- the ‘spiritual mechanism’. According to Froebel, this was the basis of early childhood education. â€Å"Pestalozzi takes man existing only in appearance on earth,† he said, â€Å"but I take man in his eternal being, in his eternal existence. † (Shapiro, 1983, p. 20. ) Froebel took a break from studying to join the army for a year from 1813-1814. Afterwards, he received a position at the mineralogical museum in the University of Berlin. Two years later, he founded a school at Greisheim (which later mover to Keilau) which he called the Universal German Educational Institute. It was there that he taught his methods to other teachers. Froebel opened the first Kindergarten in the year of 1837 in Bad Blankenburg. Later, he also founded a Kindergarten training school at Liebenstein. Froebel felt that children, like plants in a garden, need to be cared for and shielded from outside influences. Froeble believed that children need to imitate a teacher’s values and morals. Therefore, teachers need to be respected, receptive, and easily approachable. Among Froebel’s subordinates, however, there were constant disputes, which he was unable to control. He encountered more problems when the Prussian government did not approve of his ideas. In 1851, an edict was issued, which forbade the establishment of Kindergartens. This decree was repealed almost 10 years later- in 1860. Froebel was not alive at that time and had no idea of the impact he left on the school system worldwide, and especially in the United States. The philosophers of his times, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) and Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling (1775-1854), also influenced Froebel’s educational ideas. He placed an emphasis on self-activity, physical training, and pleasant surroundings in the development of children. His most important work was the book he wrote in 1826 called Menschenerziehung (tr. The Education of Man, 1877). References: Lilley, Irene M. , (1967). Friedrich Froebel: A Selection from His Writings. Kilpatrick, William H. , (1916). Froebels Kindergarten Principles Critically Examined. Retrieved from http://www. uv. es/EBRIT/micro/micro_221_12. html Froebel, Friedrich. (1896). The Education of Man, trans. W. H. Hailman. New York: Appleton. Retrieved from http://www. answers. com/topic/friedrich-wilhelm-august-fr-bel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Logistical and Value Chain Strategies at Philips

Logistical and Value Chain Strategies at Philips 1.1 Introduction Philips is the multinational enterprise that I have chosen for this assignment. Philips is a company originated from Eindhoven, the Netherlands and was founded in year 1891 by Anton and Gerard Philips (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, 2004-2010). Philips begun manufacturing carbon-filament lamps and by the turn of the century, had become one of the largest producers in Europe (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, 2004-2010). In year 1914 to 1945, the incandescent lamp, and gas discharge lamps proved more efficient in generating light after the improvements were made, so it has comes out new products there are X-ray tube and radio valve (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, 2004-2010). Start from 1970 until today, the revolutionary developments such like the introduction of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc show that Philips research has been tied much more closely to industrial and business activities (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, 2004-2010). Philips also continue innovating new products such as Ambilight which can brought a new dimension to TV viewing and developed Lumiramic which is a groundbreaking new phosphor technology for energy efficient white LEDs (Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V, 2004-2010). Based on (2008), Philips is one of the biggest electronics companies in the world and known as market leader in energy saving lighting solutions, medical diagnostic imaging, consumer electronic and others. Although Philips have comes out many types of electronic products, such like television, radio, MP3 player but their core product are lamps. Which means Philips is more expertise or profession in making lamps. 1.2 Philips is a Multinational Corporate (MNC) MNC is a company that has headquarters in one country has operations in other countries (Wall, Minocha and Rees, 2010, pg28). Besides, company that place their manufacturing, sales, or service subsidiaries in more than one foreign country are known as MNC too (Farlex, Inc., 2010). Normally MNC will develop new products in home country after that manufactures those products in foreign country such as Third World country in order to gain the trade advantages and economies of labour and materials (Farlex, Inc., 2010). By operate business at foreign country, MNC also help in develop that particular country through create wealth, job opportunities, and improve technologies (Farlex, Inc., 2010). Philips is one of the Multinational Corporate (MNC) too. There are more than 60 countries all over the world are the branches of Philips, including Brazil which is the place that produced equipment (Clarity Digital Group LLC d/b/a The branches of Philips are located in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Korea and others country. In addition, Philips maintains the research centre at home country, Netherland because they have the technology and are more expert in innovating and design new products. Philips placed their manufacturer in host country such as China and Thailand, to gain economies of scale by having a cheaper labour cost. 1.3 Definition of Logistics Chain and Value Chain At first I will define what is mean by logistics chain and value chain. Logistics chain is parts of the supply chain process such as transportation and inventory control. The logistics activities are repeated many times throughout the channel through which raw materials are transforming into finished goods and consumer value is added (Ballou, R. H., 2004, pg7). Besides, logistic chain defines as the successive steps comprising a logistic-process in a particular industry (WebFinance, Inc., 2010). Whereas, the value chain is the activities that convert raw materials into finished goods and creating value at each of the making process (Farlex, Inc., 2010). The primary activities that included in the value chain are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and services (, 1999-2010). The secondary activities included in the value chain are firm infrastructure, human resource management, technological development and purchasing (, 1999-2010). The primary activities of value chain play an important role in the whole value chain, because the activities are start from getting raw materials and then through manufacture and process it to become a finished goods, then prepare to sell to customer and the last step is after sales service such like warranty. The secondary activities are supporting the primary activities, such as procurement means purchase raw materials to run the inbound logistics. Besides, logistics chain is the process that control the flow of stocks and storage of finished products, and also sent the finished products from point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customer requirements (Ballou, R. H., 2004, pg4). Thus the logistic chain and value chain are so important for a company. 2. Logistical and Value Chain Strategies 2.1 Logistical Strategies Logistics are the activities that including materials management and distribution. The materials management activity help Philips plan how to control their inventory level in the most effective ways and do not keep too many inventories which can add cost to the logistics activity. The example of logistical strategy that can manage the inventory of a company is Inventory Management Software (SAP). For the distribution activity, Philips can choose what transportation modes that is most suitable use in deliver the finished products from warehouse to distribution centres and lastly to customer. The example of logistic strategy that can help to manage the distribution activity is by outsourcing to the third party logistics. Logistics strategy of a company is to define the most cost effective of the service levels that perform by the logistics organization of the company (, a part of The New York Times Company, 2010). Besides, the logistic strategies can give competitive advantage and help to specific product lines, specific countries or specific customers (, a part of The New York Times Company, 2010). By the way, Philips does have implemented few logistic strategies in its overseas operations. For example, the host country of Philips which is Philips Malaysia has implemented few logistical strategies, there are outsource logistics to third party logistics and adopt Inventory Management software. The reason that Philips Malaysia implements logistic strategy is to adapt to the flexibility of supply chain by make changes to organization to provide a best service levels (About. com, a part of The New York Times Company, 2010). 2.2 Value Chain Strategies Value chain is same as value-adding activities which are transform inputs into outputs, then add to the bottom line and leading to competitive advantage (WebFinance, Inc., 2010). The inbound logistics activities are materials handling, warehousing and inventory control of raw materials, operations are the processes such as packaging, assembly and machining, outbound logistics activities are delivery vehicle operation, scheduling and order processing (, 1999-2010). Besides, the secondary activities of value chain such as technology is an important source of competitive advantage, because company need to innovate to reduce costs and sustain competitive advantage , technology that were include are production technology, internet marketing activities, customer relationship management and so on (Marketing Teacher Ltd., 2010). The value chain strategy can bring many benefits to a company. Those benefits are gain economies of scale, improved information, reduce cost of production and so on (Government of Alberta, 2008-2010). The value chain strategies implemented by Philips on its overseas operations are outsourcing value chain activity to China, joint venture with China and move all factories to Thailand. 3. Philips Logistical and Value Chain Strategies 3.1 Logistic strategies that implemented by Philips Malaysia company 3.1.1 Outsource logistics activity to third party logistics: The third party logistics defined as the activity of outsourcing activities which related to Logistics and Distribution (Logistics List, 2005-2010). From the logistic view, third party acts as the parties that help other company to transport products to retailers (Logistics List, 2005-2010). Philips in Malaysia does have outsourced their distribution activities to third party logistic, such as NST Logistic Company. Thats mean Philips Malaysia do not have to take part in the process which is sending products to retailers from their manufacture factory. NST Logistic Company job is getting the products from manufacture factory of Philips Malaysia and deliver those products to retailers and customers of Philips Malaysia. The reason that Philips Malaysia decided to outsource logistics activities to third party logistic is to reduce capital, which mean minimizing the level of investment in the logistics system and maximizing the return on logistics assets (Ballou, R. H., 2004, pg36). For example, by outsourcing logistics activities, Philips Malaysia do not have to own or rent a warehouse to store finish products that prepare deliver to customers because NST Logistic Company will help to store finish products and deliver to customer of Philips Malaysia. Another reason is Philips Malaysia found that NST Logistics Company is more expert in logistic activities. For example, NST Logistics Company manages more than 100,000 sq ft of warehouse space through its subsidiary Smart Warehousing Service and also sub contracted trucks ranging from 1 ton box trucks to 20 tons containers (NST LOGISTICS SDN BHD, 2008).With the expertise, Philips Malaysia can ensure their customers have receive a best logistic services. 3.1.2 Adopt the SAP Inventory Management Software: SAP is known as System Application Products, which creates a common centralised database for all the applications running in a company (, 2010). Philips Malaysia is adopting SAP Inventory Management software helps in manage their inventories such as raw materials and finished products. The functions of SAP Inventory Management software are record and track materials on the basis of both quantity and value (SAP). With the software, the warehouse workers can track the quantity and value of materials, perform physical inventory, and optimize warehouse resources (SAP). For example, the warehouse workers can plan, enter, and document warehouse and internal stock movements by managing goods receipts and issues, storage, physical stock transfers and so on (SAP). Philips Malaysia implement the inventory management software is because they found that their warehouse management are not efficient. For instance, the inventory holding cost is high. Those inventory holding cost are capital cost, service cost and storage cost (WebFinance, Inc., 2010). Philips Malaysia needs to pay the costs of stock management, the raw materials, and insurance. 3.2 Value chain strategies that implemented by Philips Company 3.2.1 Outsourcing: Outsourcing means subcontracting a part of activity to a third party company to perform, although that activity could otherwise be performed by in-house workers (Hinzie Media Inc., 2008-2010). Normally a company decided to outsource some of the production activity is due to some reason such like lack of expertise, cost effectiveness and competitive advantage. Philips does have outsourced their value chain activity to China. Philips decided to not make the gear lamps by themselves and choose to buy the gear lamps components from China. This is because Philips found that if make the gear lamps by themselves, it would more costly. For example, in the inbound logistic activity of Philips, Philips buys components which are known as gear lamps from China and use on assemble process and finally comes out a finished product such like lamps. The reasons that Philips outsources gear lamps to China are due to the political environment, economic environment and technological environment. For the political environment, because there is no political risk in China such as inflation, so the operating cost wont be high (Wall, Minocha and Rees, 2010, pg134). In the economic aspect, due to the large population in China, Philips believed that the consumer purchasing power over there will be high. Besides, on the technological aspect China are more expert in making gear lamps compare to others country. 3.2.2 Joint- Venture with China: Philips joint venture in China since 1985 and now Philips hold 23 joint ventures and wholly owned enterprise with employing 14000 people nationwide (Hangzhou Jiaoyu science and Technology Co., Ltd, 2005-2009). For example, Philips-Shanghai Yaming Lighting Co., Ltd in China is a joint-venture with Philips Lighting, Netherlands (Focus Technology Co., Ltd., 2010). The Energy Saving Lamp is manufacture by the joint venture corporate between Philips, Netherlands and China. The reason that Philips joint venture with China is because in China their labour cost will be lower than in Netherlands. This is because China has a large population, so there are many people can work, and the salary of worker will be cheaper. Whereas, in Netherlands, the population are much lesser than China, and people over there are not willing to work in factory some more they require a high paid salary. Another reason is build a factory in Netherlands was too costly compare to China. Other than that, the infrastructure in China is so convenient. So that, Philips decided to joint venture with China, by operate their manufacturing with China corporate. 3.2.3 Move all factories to Thailand: Philips decided close all the lamps manufacturing factory in Malaysia and Singapore, and shift to Thailand. Philips Thailand is the corporate that supplying lighting to Asia Pacific, such as Philips Malaysia and Philips Singapore (SIAM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLC., 1999-2004). Philips Thailand core activity is focusing in manufacturing and selling lamps (SIAM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLC., 1999-2004). The reason that Philips moves all lamps manufacturing factory to Thailand is due to the geographical location of Thailand. Since that Thailand is situated in a good location, which is nearby to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and others Asia Pacific. So, its very convenient for Malaysia and Singapore to order inventory from Philips Thailand. For instance, Philips Thailand can deliver inventory to Philips Malaysia by using truck or ship. Another reason is, by centralize all the lamps manufacturing factory to Thailand, it can help Philips to gain the economies of scale. The economies of scale define as the increasing efficiencies of the production of goods as the number of goods being produced increases and the average costs of producing a good will lower as each additional good is produced (, 1998-2004). Other advantages that can obtain after centralize lamps production in Thailand are maximizing production capacity, improvement to a constant product quality, and improve o rder and delivery lead time to the respective country. 4. Recommendations After found out all the logistical and value chain strategies that implemented by Philips on its overseas operations currently, I would like to suggest some changes that might be require to its logistical and value chain strategies over the next few years. Firstly, the value chain strategies used by Philips are outsourcing and joint venture with China companies. In view of economic issue nowadays, Chinas economy environment keep on improving at a very fast pace and also getting more and more vibrant. So that, in the next few coming years you will realize that the cost of operation will be getting more and more expensive. For instance, workers demand for higher wages and more benefits. Other than that, the values of properties in China also keep on rising and double up, such as the prices of land and factories. In order to solve this problem, I would like to recommend Philips to reduce the number of production centres in China, which means reduce the number of manufacturing factories in China. By this way, Philips can cut down the cost of operating and achieving the economies of scale in production. With the reducing numbers of operating factories, automatically the cost of workers and costs of management will be decrease too. Besides, Philips can also think of manufacturing more high-end products in China, such as the Philips LED lamps. With this high value products, it can helps to cover the rising workers costs that would going to be happen in years to come. Moving the operations to another country is not a good solution, because China has a large domestic market, moving out meaning losing that market. Actually there is a risk to centralize all the factories in Thailand. As we know, Thailand is facing an unstable political environment now. It is forecast that the unstable political environment of Thailand would prolong and it will affect the operation of Philips Thailand in the next few coming years. Hence, Philips can think of shift the manufacturing factories in Thailand to either Vietnam or Myanmar. The reason is because Myanmar and Vietnam are neighbor countries of Thailand. Both the countries are just situated nearby Thailand. It would not be a big impact in terms of geographical location. Firstly we talk about Vietnam, for the past ten years, Vietnam has an open trade policy which encouraged foreign direct investment (FDI) to their country. At the same time, infrastructures in Vietnam are keeping on improving too. Vietnam is not lacking of human resources as well such as technical workers, management teams and etc. The political situation in Myanmar is continues to improve and investment environment also getting better and better, so Philips can consider to move manufacturing branch to Myanmar as well. 5. Conclusion In conclusion, Philips as a multinational corporate realizes that the logistics chain and value chain activities are so important for the whole logistic and supply chain management. The logistic and value chain activities are the whole processes of transform raw materials into finished goods then distribute to warehouses and finally deliver the finished products from the point of origin to the point of consumption. For example, from all the small component parts such as gear lamps go through the manufacturing process and finally become finished goods known as lamp. In order to let the logistic and value chain activities run smoothly, Philips have implemented few logistical strategy and value chain strategy in the host country such as Philips Malaysia, Philips Thailand, and China. Philips Malaysia has outsourced the logistics activities to third party logistics which provide the transportation and warehouse services. Besides, Philips Malaysia are using SAP inventory management software to management their warehouse activities. Other than that, Philips had decided to buy the components parts from China rather than make it by own. Other than outsourcing to China, Philips does have joint venture with China corporate. Philips also centralized all the lamps manufacturing factories in Thailand. Although Philips had implemented the logistical and value chain strategies in the overseas operations, but there are some external factors that can affect the operations of Philips corporate. Those external factors are such like political issue, economy issue, technological issue and etc. So, Philips need to have some changes on the current logistical and value chain strategies. Lastly, Philips should always get ready to face the changes that might affect the current logistical and value chain strategies by find out the most suitable ways to overcome the problem.

Top Glove Corporation Berhad Marketing Essay

Top Glove Corporation Berhad Marketing Essay Top Glove was established in 1991 as a small factory with three production lines, but it has since grown exponentially to become the largest rubber glove manufacturer in the world (Top Glove, 2013). It was listed on Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur on 27th march, 2001 and promoted to Main Market of KLSE in 16th may 2002. The company have shareholder funds worth RM1.28b with annual turnover of RM2.31 billion at financial year ended on 31st August 2012. The companys current headquarters is located in Malaysia at Jalan Meru Klang, Selangor. The company currently have sales office in China, Thailand, USA, and Germany. In order to capture more global market share, the company has taken a rapid expansion of its capacity. The companys manufacturing facilities which are located at Malaysia, Thailand, and China grew to 24 from only 5 when it was listed in BSKL on 2001. Top Glove Corporation Berhad wholly-owned the subsidiary of Top Glove in Thailand and China. The company represents 26 percent of the market share worldwide (Tan Sri Dato Sri Lim, 2008). Currently, the company exports to its 1,800 customers in more than 185 countries around the world (Top Glove, 2013). The companys products are exported and available in most countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Asia region (Tan Sri Dato Sri Lim, 2011). The vision of Top Glove is to strive to be the worlds leading manufacturer with excellent quality glove products that enrich and protect human lives while the mission statements is to be world class glove manufacturer providing top quality product with excellent services through continuous improvement and innovation. The company offers 13 types of rubber gloves to the public such as latex examination gloves, nitrile examination gloves, vinyl examination gloves, surgical glove, clean disposable gloves, general purpose glove and others. Top glove have the capabilities to produce total production capabilities of 40.3 billion pair of glove annually. This because the company has 24 factories and 462 manufacturing line that can produce vast amount of glove. Indonesia is a tropical country located near Top Glove home country, Malaysia. Tropical weather in Indonesia allows for fertile growth of rubber trees that are used in production of latex. One of the agricultural industries in Indonesia is rubber industry (CIA, 2012). The large and fertile soil is one of the geographic advantages of the country from Top Gloves view. It enables large supplies of latex to facilitate the production of gloves to processing and manufacturing plants of Top Glove. Indonesia is a country that posses one of the lowest labour cost in the world. Indonesia currently has 248.6 million residents which is the 4th most populated country in the world (CIA, 2012). Cheap labour cost coupled with large supply of raw material makes it a suitable location for Top Glove to expand into. This factor will save the cost of production thus enable the company to sell their product at cheaper price, so that they can compete better in global market. Indonesia also experienced active reform in business regulation in recent years and is among the top 50 economies improving the most and the top 5 within the East Asia and Pacific Region (The World Bank and International Corporation, 2012). 14% of its GDP is consists of agricultural sector (CIA, 2012). The inflation rate also improved from 5.4% in 2011 to 4.5% in 2012 (CIA, 2012). According to Dean (2001), doing business and investment in most parts of Indonesia is relatively safe and profitable. Thus, the stable economic and political environmental encouraged Top Glove to expands to the country. 2.0 Analysis There are several reasons that attract Top Gloves Corporation to explore into Indonesia market. However, entering a foreign may not only brings gains but also shortcomings. Hence by analyzing the respective country, we able to understand is it significant for Top Gloves Corporation to invest or to enter Indonesia market. According to Managing Director of Top Gloves Corporation KM Lee, he stated that the rise in healthcare standards tied with the increase in the global population had increases the demand of medical gloves (Top Gloves, 2013). Meanwhile, Chairman Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai indicated that the rise in the labor cost with the introduction of the minimum wage policy had forces the group to increase its glove prices by 3-5 per cent, depending on the type of product. With the rise on demand of medical gloves, thus, Top Gloves Corporation tends to expand their production line (Top Gloves, 2013). Besides, the increase of labor cost due to minimum cost forcing the corporation to look after a lower-cost country, as the labor cost will be lower. From the literature findings, John Tanner (1996) found that Indonesia is low cost skilled labor that benefits to Top Gloves Corporation. Furthermore, Indonesia is a country that rich with natural resources that match the Top Gloves nature of business that is the rubber (Doing Business, 2012). Thus, expanding a plant into Indonesia market may lead the corporation to gain more profit, as the production line can be more effective and efficient. Apart from that, Indonesia was a main attraction for Top Gloves Corporation because the country of Indonesia able to offer a lower production cost as the labor cost resources is lower in price. According to Sari Shaviriyani (2006), a statistic shows that Indonesias population is the world fourth largest. The workforces over the country are huge and young enable the labor cost to be lower as the workforce supply is higher than the demand forcing the wages to be lower down. More to the point, the workforces are young and energetic allowing Top Gloves production line to produce more effectively. In addition, Indonesias government does encourage more foreign investment by establishing certain departments and supportive bodies in order to speed up the investment licensing procedures (Sari Shaviriyani, 2006). Besides, some incentives are also provided to foreign investors, including tax incentives that enable Top Gloves Corporation to increase their companys profit by paying fewer taxes (Sari Shaviriyani, 2006). However, this was theoretically to benefit the public interest, as the increase in competition in these open sectors will force the companies to operate efficiently and cut prices to win market share (Sari Shaviriyani, 2006). In that sense, it will creates a win-win solution for the country itself and the foreign company as the economy of Indonesia able to boom and the citizen of Indonesia able to enjoy the goods at lower prices meanwhile the operation can be carry on at a lower price. However, every pro comes with a con as Indonesia offers a lot of gains to attract foreign company to invest into Indonesia but there is still a bit of shortcoming (Sari Shaviriyani, 2006). Top Gloves Corporation had to suffer high initial investment, as the country of Indonesia had no technological deepening of manufacturing sector production and exports creating a mess for Top Gloves Corporation to take initiative to invest. Furthermore, home country of Indonesia drives to pick-up all the skills and technique from Top Gloves Corporation that makes them a future threat. Additionally, lack of highly educated people can also be a shortcoming of Top Gloves Corporation as the company focuses more on hiring highly educated people. This reason is because the operation of the machine maybe too technical and may need a knowledgeable people to ensure everything operates in effective and efficient way. Lastly, ecology can be also another shortcoming for the Top Gloves as the climate of Indonesia changes rapidly that may affect the fertile of the plantation causing a shortage in the resources. Some of the global climate changes that might affect the plantation of Indonesia such as rising sea levels, rising air temperatures, changes in rainfall period, and extreme climate change. Similarly, the influence of a combination of raising temperature in regions, changes in the level of precipitation and the intensity of drought/flood (Sari Shaviriyani, 2006). Although, climate changes may sound serious but open burning on the forest as the tradition of Indonesia in order to maintain the plantation to be fertile would be more devastating as it will bring down the goodwill of Top Gloves Corporation (Dyna Rochmyaningsih, 2012). 3.0 Recommendation The current strategies used by Top Glove are exporting and wholly owned subsidiary. Top Gloves had done successfully with both of the strategy, however, they are continuing in seeking the new way to expand to more and more country. We recommended Top gloves to expand into worldwide, which is acquisition strategy. One of the successful companies who using acquisition strategy is Showa Co. who acquired all of Tillotsons Best Glove operations and subsidiaries, which are helping to create a global leader position in the glove manufacturing (Showa Glove, 2009). Acquisition of the company in the same industry will improve the company strength in production, reaching customer, and even the operation through synergy strategy such as the expertise and machinery (Showa Glove, 2009). The advantages of acquisition brings to the Top Gloves is reduced the cost. Top Gloves are able to generate the raw material needed to process the gloves like palm kernel shell and latex from Indonesia Besides, the labour cost in Indonesia is much cheaper compared with Malaysians labour cost. We suggest that Top Gloves should maintain their current expansion strategy which is exporting and building the manufacture in foreign country, at the same time, adopt the acquisition to take over the related company in foreign markets. Once it is confirmed that the market possesses a huge potential for gloves market, Top Gloves may set up a manufacture plant in Indonesia and implement backward integration by taking over the related company such as supplier for palm kernel shell firms. Top Glove should be aware of the policy changes. Policy changes exist due to unstable condition in term of political pressure, economic trend, social unrest and restriction of the ownership of nondomestic company (Wild, J. J., Wild, K. L., Han, J. C. Y., 2010). According to Boediono (2005), to achieve long term business profit in a dynamic changing country like Indonesia, it is important to maintain awareness between economies and political issues. A strong professional team must be developed to maintain high policy effectiveness. Hence, to managing threats of policy changes, Top Glove can gather more foreign information in Indonesia through recruit foreign proficient consultant who understands the foreign culture well. Hiring local managerial talent is the best ways in foreseen and helps in explore business opportunity, it may facilitating the procedures in getting approval and application of local operation and result in attracting more local people join to the new established company. Besides, government will make change on economic policy and legal rules in order to forcing the business to update the way they do the business (External Environment Theory, 2013). Thus, Top Glove must managing political-risk services and issues carefully which is incurring news publication, employment issues, banks association and social media network. The company can rely on lobbying to help in administration of political matter and business operation, associate with public and bringing positive impact to social. Buy this way, Top Glove can reduce the risk in global business extension and minimize the possibility of legal fault. Top Glove should create own brands in the long term as it does not have own brand gloves. By creating its own blend of gloves helps Top glove to build brand images and secure customer loyalty by having products that carry its own brand name. The benefit of creating a own brand name would also include create brand recognition, an existing firm that has strong brand recognition will repel the new entrants and if the brand existing product is being perceived as unique would result in competitor need to spend more cash to promote and educate its customer about their product and directly increase the cost of taking over the market thus make the market unfavorable for new entrants (CIMB, 2007). Due to gigantic size of Top Glove Company, exponential growth and expansion could go against Top Gloves favor and makes it difficult to control and keep an eye on its foreign plants. Top Glove need to create a more centralized decision making environment which its foreign plants receive orders from its mother headquarters and enforce strict controls on the foreign plants to ensure illegal activities which is demonstrated by illegal labor issue once happened to top glove manufacturing plant at Klang that whooped to RM 11.4million would not happen in the future (ANIS, 2006). Top Glove should develop more unique technology to increase barrier of entry. currently Top Gloves latex manufacturing sector known to have a low entry barrier which is only from around 1 million to 1.5 million to open a new production line. It is considered low barrier for competitor manufacturer to enter the industry. New players only need to keep on producing to enjoy the share of wealth from the market due to economic of scale. Aggressive expansion by big players pose a serious threat to Top Glove as they need to come out with something unique in order to distinguish themselves from the competitors. For example top glove can develop proprietary product technology, technology is an intangible asset that resembles a barrier to entry, if an existing product is protected by a patent, it would not be possible for the new entrant to use the same technology to create the product without the permission from the patent owner (TomSpencer, 2010). Top-Glove needs to protect their intellectual property right from violation in Indonesia. Of Protection of intellectual property rights (IPR), Indonesia is hindered by inadequate enforcement of the relevant rules and regulations. Problem in intellectual property rights protection raised by industry include rampant audio, software, and video disk piracies (with a piracy rate estimated at 87 percent); the high percentage of piracy will affect the revenue of Top-Glove in Indonesias market. So a strong professional team must be created to strengthen and find ways to protect the intellectual property in Indonesia to create a high competitiveness or more values company in the Indonesia. Top Glove Company should be vigilant and creative in building strategies to protect their products from infringement. As an example, a company might first identify the counterfeiters of its product. They then proceed to negotiate and try to develop them as legal licensees of it products. Several general principles are important for effective management of intellectual property rights in Indonesia. First, it is important to have an overall strategy to protect your company IP. Second, company IP is protected differently in Indonesia than in the other country. Third, right must be registered and enforced in Indonesia under their local laws. Registration of patents and trademark is on a first-in-time, first-in-right-basis, so Top Glove should apply for trademark and patent protection even before selling their products or services in the Indonesia market. It is the responsibility of rights holder to register, protect, and enforce their right. Company may wish to seek advice from local attorneys or IP consultants who are experts in Indonesia law. It is important of strengthen and protect the intellectual property before entering a new entry market. It will bring the company a lot of economic benefit for their business and prevents other parties from using and taking the be nefit of the result of their creative and innovative mind without their concern (Purba, 2001 Sommeng, 2002). 4.0 Conclusion Top Gloves is currently facing some problems which are the increase of labor cost, high initial investment, lack of educated people and ecology. Glove prices will increase by 3-5 percent result of the increase in the labor cost according to the categories of the product. Initially, Top Glove also need to invest heavily when first expand the market into Indonesia. In addition, lack of skills and technique workers in Indonesia will slow down the operation in producing the product. On top of that, plantation is also another issue result of the changes of climate. Throughout the analysis, we found out that Top Gloves using the wholly owned subsidiary and exporting as its expansion strategy. In order to compete, Top Glove needs to use exporting strategies because the local market is not big enough. Top Glove had owned the market of rubber besides from the competitors in other countries. Besides that, in our assignment, we also had recommended some expansion strategies which will work out on Top Glove Company in Indonesia. There is little aspect which Top Glove had to concern when they need to enter into new market which is political aspect, the countrys economy perspective, IP protection and so on. All these aspect will directly influence the brand image of Top Glove and also ROI to the company. Foreign country expansion and exporting strategy will help the company to reduce the risk. If there is a problem in a country, the company still can survive because they have wholly owned subsidiaries in other countries. So in overall, we think that the company should enter Indonesia market. The benefit bought by the expansion outweighs the risk to the company.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Canada Is Becoming Too Americanized Essay -- essays research papers

Canada Is Becoming Too Americanized Today Canada and the United States are major trading partners, allies, and two neighboring countries with a long history of cooperation with each other. But is it possible for Canada to protect its independence and culture living next door to the country so powerful and rich as the United States. Since the Canadian confederation, Canada started developing relations with the U.S. As the years passed by, Canada began to relay on the United States in the national defense. Many Canadians think that the military, political and economical dependence would not make a difference to their daily life. But today more then even Canadian culture is affected by the American influence. Media, American artists, economic dependence, American propaganda and political pressure from the United States is making Canada too Americanized. All of these factors reflect on the social life of ordinary Canadians threatening the heritage and the traditions that define Canada as independent country. Canada and the United States are the largest trade partners in the world. It is the result of the geographical position of two countries and the free trade between two countries. It should be a great thing for the economies of both countries, but since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed, American businesses almost took over the Canadian economy. When the American companies started to make more business in Canada, it brought more jobs and money to the country in the short-term. But as a long-term effect Canadians became even more depended on the U.S. as the American companies started dominating Canadian companies in Canada. Also, today Canadian manufacturers have little protection from the government when ch... ...m industry, which is the largest in the world. From the movies and shows people see the life style, American life style. They are becoming more Americanized every time when they watch a film where American marines one again save the world. A huge part of American movie industry is based on propaganda movies. And this is not all, bois in the information programs such as CNN and ABC sometimes can be completely misinformed. Finally, if the comparison were ever made a survey, it would really show the full scale of Americanization in Canada. But until now we can only see from the daily life, how American culture is inviting Canada. Today more then ever, Canadians are in real danger of loosing their national identity. It is unfortunate that if the study of this cultural influence will be done few years later, it might be too late to save Canadian culture and identity. Canada Is Becoming Too Americanized Essay -- essays research papers Canada Is Becoming Too Americanized Today Canada and the United States are major trading partners, allies, and two neighboring countries with a long history of cooperation with each other. But is it possible for Canada to protect its independence and culture living next door to the country so powerful and rich as the United States. Since the Canadian confederation, Canada started developing relations with the U.S. As the years passed by, Canada began to relay on the United States in the national defense. Many Canadians think that the military, political and economical dependence would not make a difference to their daily life. But today more then even Canadian culture is affected by the American influence. Media, American artists, economic dependence, American propaganda and political pressure from the United States is making Canada too Americanized. All of these factors reflect on the social life of ordinary Canadians threatening the heritage and the traditions that define Canada as independent country. Canada and the United States are the largest trade partners in the world. It is the result of the geographical position of two countries and the free trade between two countries. It should be a great thing for the economies of both countries, but since the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed, American businesses almost took over the Canadian economy. When the American companies started to make more business in Canada, it brought more jobs and money to the country in the short-term. But as a long-term effect Canadians became even more depended on the U.S. as the American companies started dominating Canadian companies in Canada. Also, today Canadian manufacturers have little protection from the government when ch... ...m industry, which is the largest in the world. From the movies and shows people see the life style, American life style. They are becoming more Americanized every time when they watch a film where American marines one again save the world. A huge part of American movie industry is based on propaganda movies. And this is not all, bois in the information programs such as CNN and ABC sometimes can be completely misinformed. Finally, if the comparison were ever made a survey, it would really show the full scale of Americanization in Canada. But until now we can only see from the daily life, how American culture is inviting Canada. Today more then ever, Canadians are in real danger of loosing their national identity. It is unfortunate that if the study of this cultural influence will be done few years later, it might be too late to save Canadian culture and identity.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Andromeda Strain: A Critical Analysis Essay -- English Literature:

The Andromeda Strain: A Critical Analysis In 1969 Michael Crichton wrote The Andromeda Strain, a book that would forever expand the limits of a science fiction novel. Although written in 1969, it deals with very current issues facing the modern day boilogical and even political realm. Technically a science fiction novel, the meticulously crafted plot is so intertwined with actual science and technology that some have catagorized it as "science fact." It is this realistic overtone that gives the impression that perhaps, someday, events in the book could actually take place. Plot Synopsis The book opens up with a fictional page of acknowledgments stating "This book recounts the five-day history of a major American scientific crisis." From this opening sentence, the author immediately sets the tone as one of historical narration of events that actually took place. It is supposed to be a retelling of a scientific tradgedy with monumental implications. From here, the story the author relates begins. Five years earlier the United States government initiated a program called Project Scoop. The project's purpose was to send unmanned space capsules into the earth's outer atmosphere to collect samples and examine them. The hope was that undiscovered biological agents could be found for potential use as biological weapons of war. Overall, the Scoop program had been somewhat of a dissapointment until the seventh launch. It reentered the earth's atmosphere over small town in Arizona, where a team of two men were sent to retrieve it. Upon entering the town they found no signs of life and suddenly and unexplicably died themselves. This occurence set in motion something the government had secretly planned for ca... ...ploy would be to grow a number of microorganisms that would grow uninhibited in the vastness of space. The alien race would send them out in random directions where they would drift perpetually until finally reaching other life. Once reaching their destination, they would develop into full organ, or organism capable of communication. They would inform the other race of the presence of the other, and possible ways to communicate back. This seemed amusing to the more practical scientists, but it had to be considered a possibility with Andromeda. Overall, "The Andromeda Strain's" extremely technical subject matter made it challenging to read, but informative on a level usually not touched on by other science fiction novels. The plot itself as well as the concepts conveyed in this book make it relevent to the modern biologic world, even over 30 years later.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

An Evaluation of the Article: Why Looks Are the Last Bastion of Discrim

In today’s job market, there are many reasons an individual could be turned down for employment. According to Deborah Rhodes, author of â€Å"Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination†, appearance should not be one of them. Rhodes is a law professor at Stanford and holder of numerous titles for her outstanding work in legal matters. She is also the author and co-author of over 250 articles (Directory). In this article, she addresses an issue with profound impact on today’s society. She proposes that appearance discrimination should be included in anti-discrimination laws in addition to what is already accepted and legalized in today’s workplace. While it is a seemingly â€Å"silly† concern, it is actually quite valid. There has been many a concern over discrimination. That is, discrimination based on race, color, gender, and others of a similar nature in the work environment. Mainly, the article focuses on the injustices people have encountered in a work environment. Rhodes appeals to her audience as everyday â€Å"average† people who identify with the plight of another. Although she makes a compelling argument referencing studies and personal stories of people this has happened to, there are flaws in her argument that could discredit the validity of her reasoning. The logic in her article highly finds favor with the general working public. It is both consistent and appropriate. However, it is not complete, nor fully believable. I will discuss the following in the next paragraphs. Her use of research and anecdotes are mostly one-sided and while it brings valid points for the workers, fail to portray opposing views on the issue, that of the employer. She also neglects to further explore and compare the validity of this claim against wel..." Fox News. 05 Apr. 2012. FOX News Network. 31 Mar. 2014 . "Prohibited Employment Policies/Practices." Prohibited Practices. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 30 Mar. 2014 . Rhodes, Deborah L. "Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination." Washington Post. 23 May 2010. The Washington Post. 26 Mar. 2014 . Thompson, Krissah. "Michelle Obama invokes U.S. civil rights movement in China visit." Washington Post. 24 Mar. 2014. The Washington Post. 25 Mar. 2014 .

Marketing Led of Turkish Airlines

To: Adrian Edwards From: Guler kaya Date: 03 November 2011 Report title: The marketing plan of Turkish Airlines 1 Introduction / Terms of Reference The report will be concluded with an overall summary of the company situation, market share and evaluation of its future marketing activities. The objective of this marketing plan is further developing Turkish airlines market share in 2010/11 period through marketing program and initiatives. Savoir of the Turkish nation and motherland, founder of the Republic on 16 February 1925 guidance of the Great Leader Ataturk â€Å"Turkish Aeronautical Association† was founded under the name of the Turkish Aeronautical Association, the Great Turkish nation living with the material and moral support, embrace and love of aviation is an organization working for . Turkish Aeronautical Association, not political activity, not only is an organization working in areas related to aviation. The Authority technical and administrative matters, shall cooperate with the Air Force, Air Force will ask the opinion of the principle decisions before creating. Turkish Aeronautical Association, 5 August 1925 by the Council of Ministers was among the non-profit associations. The Authority is a member of the International Aeronautical Federation, Turkey, and Aeronautical Federation is the authority. The President and Cabinet, the spiritual guardians of the Turkish Aeronautical Association. The Agency's headquarters in Ankara. Turkish airlines celebrated 75th year in civil aviation in 2008, where they started with only 19 seat capacity, now making plans to be one of the major players of the global market. Turkish Airlines Inc. or Turk Hava Yollari A. O. (THY), is the flag carrier of Turkish air transportation. Its 70 aircraft comprise one of the youngest fleets in Europe. More than ten million passengers a year fly THY's network of 100 destinations, three-quarters of them international. THY was formed in 1933 as a domestic carrier. It built up an international network after World War II but eventually was hindered by mishaps and poor customer relations. The airline began a turnaround in the mid-1980s. It slowly began a privatization process in 1990, when 2 percent of stock was floated. This was accelerated in late 2004 with the offering of an additional 20 percent of shares. Profit of TL 107 trillion in 2004 to 12 million passengers, Turkish airline companies that serve technical e. g. KLM, SAS, FLY AIR, DELTA Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Olympic Airways, Sun Express, MNG Airway much like company plane maintenance of domestic and foreign repairs Turkey. Turkish airlines representation in the world will announce the name of the biggest brand in the future growth around the globe Turkish Airlines experienced and quality through the in the former has a superior power, and quality of all working team is growing. Class caters best to the world economy Turkish airline 1. 060 of the world arrive at the of as the number of passengers and the quality of Europe's fastest growing, developing airway, they are a huge family of 15 thousand persons in the service of the world. In addition 1 year in the city of the world in more than 160 humanitarian blew more than 25 million and a third of Europe's best airline company. Turkish Airlines Industry THY had some features that makes it strong in the sector. First of all, THY charges close to a discount-airline. Secondly, it offers a business class service on both overseas and domestic flights. Moreover, THY offers a frequent flyer program (an example to this is; Miles&Smiles) Fourthly, it competes with international and domestic airlines and long distance inter-city bus services (through price cuts). Finally, THY had the best landing slots (in Istanbul & Ankara) and it is the only Turkey based international carrier. Unfortunately, THY has some weaknesses such as; acting    like a legacy airline, but does not qualifying as one. Furthermore, THY is not a name brand. Thirdly, there are no strategic partnerships (high point cost per redeemed flight) (weak frequent flyer program with high costs). Also there are lack of customer orientation    and lack of service culture . Finally, its fleet size is small. There are some opportunities like; THY sees itself as a competitive enterprise rather than a government agency. Secondly,    THY has the confidence of financial markets , also, THY has a year or two before foreign discount airlines are allowed to fly to Istanbul and other Turkish markets . Finally, the expected rise in world airline    passenger traffic can be an opportunity for THY. We can sum up the threats THY faces as 3 categories; short-term threats, medium-term threats and long-term threats. To begin with, short-Term Threats are the expansion of existing competitors    and the entry of new competitors . Secondly, medium-term threat is; Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya and Ankara destinations will be available for discount routes from major European centers. Finally, long-term threats are; firstly, the European Union’s adoption of a true ‘open skies’ policy    (which will lead all international carriers to enter domestic market of THY. Secondly, terorism and war fears (decrease in the amount of tourists). Lastly, low cost travelling to other destinations (from Europe)   2. Finding: 2. 1 Social Factor On development, the international arena, competitors, customers on the airline does not always process-oriented, customer-focused pandemic disease, climate conditions, and transportation. for example if you have the swine flu in country after country, this does not mean other countries can not be bi, air field coming from each country, so people trying to cross the country without going out of control, must necessarily. Turkish Airlines passenger if it is the best example of the Turkish Airlines for the first time to enter the country is doing, and it enters the body through the countries in check is also. . Airline companies, upping the ante to take security measures due to recent terrorist attacks, security measures have had a dramatic change. And security enhancement, in a sense, the pilot, passengers and their families to ease the minds, but also the terminal, the airport ticket counter, the amount of time and effort needed to get the gate increases the anxiety and frustration. Because, a few successful security breaches have occurred in the last decade, the luxury of being too loose for the safety of airlines will never again own. Turkish Airlines has received many awards because the security in terms of the number of disciplinary and experienced for example, once an institution, I have travelled to Istanbul, Turkish Airlines plane, and security all acted according to law and no one checked item in a separate treatment did not. 2. 2 Economical factors – THY ticket prices dropped by half compared with 2003 dollars and euro terms. Worked 10 percent profit margin. The most important thing was for a long time to grow healthy. – The number of passengers was 10 million to 35 million. The number of passengers increased by 6 times with other airlines. Turnover increased by 5 times world. – This is a good example in the same way. – 12 thousand to 16 thousand in 2010, the number of employees currently gets 90 percent of the time. What does need to be first on this subject? – increase its market share in the world's largest airline. – 7. billion dollars this year, 40 percent of which will remain in Turkey. 2. 3 Legal factor i. Turkish Airlines Website conditions of use ii. Privacy Policy statement iii. General conditions of Carriage(passenger and Baggage) iv. Legal Notice Passenger Rights v. Terms ; Conditions (web-Mobile) 2. 4 Political Factors THY was a government-owned, national flag carrier. Labour agreement has powerful (Turkish Civil Union of Aviation). Discounters suit themselv es and make money from receipts thanks to regulations of government. In 2002, the new Turkish Government announced, it would no t be subsidization for THY. The State privatization Administration launched a public share offering. Trust of financial markets without the need for government guarantees. 2. 5 Technological Factors Accordance with European standards of international quality certificates, high-tech centre of the worlds, Turkish Technical one of the centres of more than 30 airlines as much in many domestic and foreign offers. Plane, the trunk, and aims to become the number one engine regard * Satellite programming, wireless internet access, * satellite monitors at every seat and seat –back personal video screens in mod ish aircrafts, * Reservation on telephone and on the internet. 3. Conclusions Turkish airlines (THY) has led to ease of airline analysis, flight scheduling and also provided a means for customers to access and book flights from their homes. It has also increased the speed with which information about customers are retriev ed and handled and flight scheduling is tasked. 4. Recommendations They should focus on the east side of Turkey and they should improve their services about the flyers’ satisfaction. For attracting the clients, Turkish Airlines may give importance to Customer Service Culture While performing the SWOT analysis, the several key issues are to be recommended to the management. These recommendations are intended to assist the Turkish Airlines in keeping its pre-eminent position as it continue strives to be one of the best airline companies in the Today's airline industry. The Turkish Airlines needs to keep its superiority and stay on top of the competition in the international market, despite the bad times associated with a global economy or strategies implemented by main competitors. The Turkish Airlines needs to thoroughly understand the plans being pursued by the British Airways, Cathay Pacific, and Virgin Atlantic in improving the comfort and quality of service it provides to its customers. The Turkish Airlines needs to continue differentiate itself by examining the strengths/weaknesses, and key points of these and other competitive airlines. By dominating the global regions it will create a greater potential for foreign investments, allowing the Turkish Airlines to sustain their quality efforts. 5. References Attitude Travel (2005) Turkey low cost no frills airlines: www. attitudetravel. com [Accessed 26 June 2005]. Buttle, F. B. (1996) Relationship Marketing Theory and Practice. London: Paul Chapma Cassani, B. and Kemp, K. (2003) go: An Airline Adventure. London: Time Warner Books. Turkish airline home page (1996-2011) http://www. turkishairlines. com/en-INT/corporate/contact_us/index. aspx